Be Certified In 4 Mind-Body Healing Modalities

  • NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming)  (focusing on language, rapport, anchoring and more)
  • Time Line Therapy® (focusing on releasing negative emotions and limiting beliefs) 
  • Hypnotherapy (focusing on changing behaviour / habits with ease and installing the outcomes you want)
  • NLP Coaching (giving you the equivalent of the highest recognized coaching skills in the world, equivalent to ICF, International Coach Federation)
  • 130 hours of course work (pre work, in-class and homework). These courses can be used as CEUs for other organizations. 
Pricing: $4997 + 5% GST  (CAD$)
(3 month and 6 month payment plans are available)
SAVE $500 by paying your deposit 
before July 31, 2024
September 21 - 28, 2024

Attendance all days is required to become certified in all 4 healing modalities
Book A Call with Melissa!
Book A Call With Billie!
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Reserve Your Spot NOW With Your $995 Deposit
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We donate $500 of your payment to Girls Matter

We empower girls in Uganda and Kenya by ensuring they have access to education, thereby preventing early marriages and paving the way for a brighter future. By investing in girls' education, we contribute to the economic growth of communities and break the cycle of poverty.

​Thank you for choosing to elevate yourself, as your support not only transforms your own life but also uplifts the lives of these girls.
Learn More
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I am an ICF accredited coach, and I want to share a wonderful experience that I had working both with Melissa Deally and Billie Aadmi on my practitioner training for NLP, Time Line Therapy® and Hypnotherapy.

What a great combination the two of them are, they both bring their own flair and their own strengths to it and working with the two of them was fantastic.

I highly recommend their combined program for certification, I came for the CEU credits and got so much more! This is absolutely the coaching program you need to take!
- Deepak Saini, Deepak Saini Health

Become An NLP-Certified Practitioner

 This 8 day course is interactive with lots of time to practice your new skills with other participants.

In addition to your new skills you will come away with a deep understanding of the power of your unconscious mind, which is the key to all of these tools being so successful.

Upon passing your exam which is completed during the 8 day program, you will be eligible to join the following boards at the Practitioner level which are recognized in 42 countries:

  • American Board of NLP
  • American Board of Hypnotherapy
  • Time Line Therapy® Association
September 21 - 28, 2024

Attendance all days is required to become certified in all 4 healing modalities
Pricing: $4997 + 5% GST (CAD$)
(3 month and 6 month payment plans are available)
SAVE $500 by paying your deposit before July 31, 2024

Book A Call With Melissa!
Book A Call With Billie!        
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Reserve Your Spot NOW With Your $995 Deposit
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Billie and Melissa’s “8 Day Mind Body Practitioner Training” is truly exceptional. Both trainers, demonstrated expertise and clear communication of NLP concepts and have a beautiful synergy between them. The curriculum covered a broad range of NLP, TLT, hypnotherapy and coaching topics, creating a comprehensive understanding of all practices.

The training sessions were thoughtfully structured, fostering a supportive learning environment for participants of all levels. Billie and Melissa’s passion for the subject made each session not only educational, they were also enjoyable.

What sets this training apart is the practical applicability of the knowledge shared. Billie and Melissa didn’t just present theories; they provided real-world examples and exercises, empowering us to apply the learning in our daily lives.

This training exceeded my expectations. I left with valuable insights and renewed enthusiasm to incorporate these teachings into my professional practice.
- Natalie Wong, Image Reflection. 

Why Do I Want To Be Certified In These Top Mind-Body Modalities?

“Are you a coach working with clients and they start to follow your recommendations, however they get stuck, fall off, and stop?   They don't know why, they are honestly trying to create the changes in their life to regain their health, or move their business or relationship forward, and yet they can only get so far....

This is because their unconscious patterning is getting them stuck. Patterning they learned in the 0-6 years window, that is still running their life. No matter how much you encourage them to create new habits, they just can't do it.   You feel badly, because you know if they did, it would change their life! 

The reality is,  you absolutely can help them, you just need to upgrade the tools you have to work with.  This is what these 4 mind-body modalities will give you!  These tools will allow you to guide your client to access their unconscious mind and create change easily and effortlessly as all learning, all behaviour, and all change happens in the unconscious mind.  Until now, you've only been able to use the tools of the conscious mind which makes up only 10% of the mind!  Tap into the other 90% and guide your clients to easily create the outcomes they want! 

If you aren't yet a coach, and want to be a coach, you are in the right place, as this course will give you the highest level of coaching certification in just 8 days!  I'm not going to lie, It's an intense 8 days, it is an unconscious download (as all learning is unconscious) and it will set you up for success in your coaching career in a really short amount of time, so that you can follow your dream of serving others.”  
I am blessed to be a part of 8 day Mind & Body Practitioner Training guided by Melissa and Billie. I am so grateful for all my new learnings and a powerful, profound breakthrough I just had myself by creating new neurology, clearing all past negative emotions, limiting beliefs/ decisions and planting new positive suggestions into my mind.

As of now I am highly skilled and a certified practitioner and I am excited to serve all the people I am about to empower by using new knowledge and skills I learnt. Melissa and Billie are truly dedicated and they are there for you to succeed. I am so grateful to have them as my teachers, as they opened up the whole new world of unlimited opportunities for me.

I made the best decision by taking this course. Thank you, Melissa and Billie ♥️
- Olya Zhilinskaya, Founder at Face Yoga Queen
Our Next Mind-Body Practitioner Training
September 21 - 28, 2024

​Attendance all days is required to become certified in all 4 healing modalities
Pricing: $4997 + 5% GST (CAD$)
(3 month and 6 month payment plans are available)
SAVE $500 by paying your deposit before July 31, 2024
Book A Call With Melissa!
Book A Call With Bille!       
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Pay Your Deposit To Reserve Your Spot $995
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Your Instructors:

Melissa Deally

About Melissa

Melissa is a Trainer of NLP,
 Time Line Therapy® and Hypnotherapy. She is also certified as an Integrative Health Practitioner and Registered Health Coach. Her mission is to heal the world, by reducing the amount of chronic illness and showing people that their diagnosis of "dis-ease" doesn't have to be a life sentence. 

Instead she guides you through your healing journey by showing you how to detox all 4 bodies, your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies, creating the environment for the body to be able to heal itself.  She uses functional medicine lab tests plus her NLP, Timeline Therapy and Hypnotherapy tools as she guides her clients to a new level of health.  

She also teaches other coaches and practitioners these powerful mind-body tools, so they can also support their clients in getting the results they want whether in health, business or life!  By teaching others the tools to use with clients, Melissa is able to impact more people in a positive way. 

Billie Aadmi

About Billie

Billie Aadmi is a Trainer of NLP, Time Line Therapy®, Hypnotherapy as well as a Master Results Mindset Coach.  Billie is dedicated to helping you get out of your own way! 

Learning all the lessons she has learned in her healing and transformation journey, Billie assists others in learning to identify with lessons in order to grow and evolve and step into their own power and light.  Billie is also a single mother of two which is her proudest role in life.

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