Get Your Clients The Results They Want, Faster! While Creating A New Revenue Stream. 

Learn the "Unlimited Power of Hypnosis"
at the Krasner Designation Training 

Register NOW for May 20 - 22, 2025
$1497 CAD  (approx $1045 USD)

Register BEFORE March 31, 2024
and SAVE $300 CAD (approx $210 USD) with
Coupon Code: KRASNER
Register HERE!
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Give The Gift of Hypnotherapy To Your Clients Ensuring

They Get The Results Their Clients DREAM For!

As a wellness practitioner or coach, I know you want to help your client achieve their goals, because that is what I want for my clients too!

When I first learned about Hypnotherapy and how powerful it was, I couldn't get enough and have progressed my training to the point that we are a Training Institute of Hypnotherapy, popularly known as Performance Hypnosis.

I am and have been sharing it with my clients and now want to share it with you, so you can get the same awesome results for your clients that I'm getting for mine!
Would you like to be able to give them the gift of:
  • 10,000 times more focus on the intentions they work with you to create?
  • 50,000 times more accountability to achieve the intention they work with you to create?
  • Greater understanding of the power of their own unconscious mind and how to access it?
  • Tools to actually do this for themselves between their sessions with you? 
Register NOW for May 20 - 22,  2025
$1497 CAD (approx $1045 USD)
Register BEFORE March 31,  2024
and SAVE $300 CAD (approx $210 USD) with
Coupon Code: KRASNER
Register HERE!
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We donate 10% of your payment to Girls Matter

We empower girls in Uganda and Kenya by ensuring they have access to education, thereby preventing early marriages and paving the way for a brighter future. By investing in girls' education, we contribute to the economic growth of communities and break the cycle of poverty.

​Thank you for choosing to elevate yourself, as your support not only transforms your own life but also uplifts the lives of these girls.
Learn More 
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Or maybe you'd like to learn this for yourself to use at home!  (You don't need a board designation to use the tools for yourself). Give yourself the gift of these powerful tools that ensure you can tap into motivation whenever needed and have the ability to get real results in the following areas (and these are just a few of them).
Remove Negative Strategies Of:
  • smoking cessation
  • weight-loss that lasts
  • eliminate procrastination
  • pain control
  • improved sleep
  • and many other negative strategies that hold you back
Remove Negative Emotions & Conditions
  • depression
  • anxiety and phobias
  • post-surgical recovery
  • stress reduction
  • gastro-intestinal disorders
  • and many other conditions
Register NOW for May 20 - 22, 2025
​$1497 CAD  (approx $1045 USD)

Register BEFORE March 31,  2024
and SAVE $300 CAD (approx $210 USD) with
Coupon Code: KRASNER
Register HERE!
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This is a DESIGNATION optional course!

If you want to use these tools with your clients 1:1, you can simply write an exam after the weekend course in order to become board designated with the American Board of Hypnotherapy - your designation is then valid in 42 countries!

Plus, with these tools, you'll be able to earn more REVENUES!  Yes you can charge more because you actually get your clients the results they are looking for, and they will tell their friends and colleagues about you too! 
Why Hypnosis?
Because with hypnosis, you can add 10,000 time more focus to shift your perspective and 50,000 times the accountability to achieve your desires and experience more joy. 

Have you ever lacked the motivation to do something, not followed through, started, but then stopped?  With 10,000 times more focus, you can actually step forward with the motivation you need to eliminate an old habit or create a new habit!

Hypnosis allows you to work with your whole mind, your conscious and your unconscious mind and get far greater results than if you are just using the conscious part of your mind - when you are doing that you are only accessing 10% of your mind's potential.  

With Hypnosis, you can access 100% of your mind's potential and truly get the results you want!

You've Been In Trance Before

It's quick and it's easy - in fact you've done it before!  Yes you've been in trance before!

  • If you've ever driven from point A to point B and not remembered the last 10 minutes of your drive, you've been in trance
  • If you've opened the fridge looking for something and can't see it, and someone else in  your family reaches over your shoulder to show you that it's right in front of your eyes - that's trance
  • If you've watched the "Superman" movie and enjoyed it by choosing to willfully suspend disbelief about the fact he could fly  - that's trance!  
The difference with using Hypnosis, is that you are attaching change work to the state of trance instead of trance happening randomly throughout your day - which happens each and every day! 
As far back as 1958 a survey of psychotherapy literature by Alfred A. Barrios, PhD, published in American Health magazine revealed the following recovery rates:
  • Psychoanalysis: 38 percent recovery after six hundred sessions
  • Behavior therapy: 72 percent recovery after twenty-two sessions
  • Hypnotherapy: 93 percent recovery after six sessions
Register NOW for May 20 - 22, 2025
$1497 CAD (approx $1045 USD)
Register BEFORE March 31, 2024
and SAVE $300 CAD (approx $210 USD)  with
Coupon Code: KRASNER
Register HERE!
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Jeanne Andrus
Spiritual Menopause Mastery Solutions, Covington, LA

"Recently, I studied hypnotherapy with Melissa Deally. She is a gentle and effective teacher and mentor, helping each person in the class to master the skills and mindset needed to become board-certified hypnotherapists.

I plan to continue my learning journey with her."

Dawn Cermak
Columbia, MD

"I have tried hypnosis before and been told I'm resistant, but in just a few short minutes, Melissa was able to show me that I can go into trance! I also now know that anyone can go into trance, and recommend you let Melissa show you just how easy it is!"

Your Instructors:  

Melissa Deally
About Melissa

Melissa is a Trainer of NLP,  Time Line Therapy® and Hypnotherapy. She is also certified as an Integrative Health Practitioner and Registered Health Coach. Her mission is to heal the world, by reducing the amount of chronic illness and showing people that their diagnosis of "dis-ease" doesn't have to be a life sentence. 

Instead she guides you through your healing journey by showing you how to detox all 4 bodies, your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies, creating the environment for the body to be able to heal itself.  She uses functinoal medicine lab tests plus her NLP, Timeline Therapy and Hypnotherapy tools as she guides her clients to a new level of health.  

She also teaches other coaches and practitioners these powerful mind-body tools, so they can also support their clients in getting the results they want whether in health, business or life!  By teaching others the tools to use with clients, Melissa is able to impact more people in a positive way. 
Billie Aadmi
About Billie

Billie Aadmi is a Trainer of NLP, Time Line Therapy®, Hypnotherapy as well as a Master Results Mindset Coach.  Billie is dedicated to helping you get out of your own way! 

Learning all the lessons she has learned in her healing and transformation journey, Billie assists others in learning to identify with lessons in order to grow and evolve and step into their own power and light.  Billie is also a single mother of two which is her proudest role in life.
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